Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bang, bang no only bang

I don't know about you, but when i see a horror movie and the good guy has seemingly defeated the bad guy, what always happens next? The bad guy is never dead or truly mortally wounded. He always gets up and manages to give one more toe curling, hair raising scare to the good guy and also an audience who knows better. This is the case of George Zimmerman, a man who had enough control only to take one shot while he was in a conflict with Mr. Martin. I can deny all the evidence but this one fact, Zimmerman showed control. In order to have had control, he could not have harbored any anger against Martin. But the truth is, Martin like the evil villain in a horror movie has risen in the form of white-Hispanic bashing. The sad truth behind all the race bashing is a president who lost the battle over gun control.
 We the people should not be abused by our leadership, it does not matter what your skin color, sexual preference or belief system is. A tragedy is not an opportunity for our leadership to show us, the people, how violence comes form an object and not the human heart. Mr. Obama, please stop the hate. The right to bear arms is a gift not only from our constitution but the right to defend one life is moral and sanctioned by the creator. To be fare, if Zimmerman had attacked Martin,and Zimmerman would have been shot to death. i would write the same words. Can you say the same?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

20 years later and Aikido still rocks

 It seems like yesterday, my daughter was born and I was balancing a life of fatherhood and work.  Working in sales, this took most of my week but I managed to travel to Gerton, NC to study with my Sensei, Jack Mumpower. The trip was always eventful and never a bother, two hours spend building relationships with different friends and Aikido students. How did the trip always end with choco tacos or a pizza from Dominos? My brother will probably never forgive me for always trying to strike him in the throat, while I was driving. The trip was never a burden, learning Aikido from a true master was one of the greatest joys I have ever had. Entering the Mumpower house and walking down the spiral metal stair case was like entering the bat cave, there was always a sense of excitement. If you ever had a chance to meet Mr. Mumpower, you may be perplexed; he’s a tall, thin man who is an introvert that becomes alive when he begins teaching. It was as if a mystery was revealed every time we trained. Some of the greatest life lesson I ever learned, the most important was that a dojo was for training, not testing the “what if’s”,  a lesson all Martial Art instructors need to know. Another important lesson was, Martial Arts are dangerous, and beginners will hurt you if you let them.
 Students began to ask me to train them, which led to the renting of the Van diver dump on high way 115 in Huntersville, NC, that was 20 years ago this month. We started out with flotation foam and covered it with 4 pieces of carpet that had to be taped together and then rolled up after class so the dance studio could do their thing. Two nights a week and Saturday we were taking these foam rolls and carpet up and down. This was a simple time in my life; I worked hard, played hard and was always greeted by a round faced little girl with uncombed curly hair.  Life was great. As the school began to grow, I would get a 15 passenger van and take trip to the mountains with the group to train with Mr. Mumpower.   On several occasions, Mr. Mumpower would make the trip down and teach a class or grade students. It was a simple time; Aikido had become part of who I was. A gift I have always been grateful for. As life became more complicated, I forgot the important lessons of movement and avoiding conflict.  A key element to true Aikido is the ability to blend with an opponent or be the bull fighter, not the bull. Lessons life must teach, just like going after the master only to find yourself on the floor wondering if you will be able to swallow that much pride. 20 years later, I still have too much pride to swallow. I guess the lesson to learn is that life  is cruel. Friends come and go, family loves you one day and hates you the next and the people you love the most, you will hurt. The only way to live is to have a balance, to learn when to move and when to enter. Aikido is just a Martial Art but it does teach important lessons when dealing with pride and personal strengths. A lesson that will continue to master me.
In conclusion, i  wish to thank Mr. Mumpower for allowing me to study under one of the true masters of Aikido, you are truly a gem. Secondly, I want to thank my daughter, you were and are always a special person for giving me the time to train.

HD Stewart 

Monday, June 3, 2013

5 Reasons Female MMA fail

 I just came across a site in Charlotte, NC that promotes a female only fighting gym. Wow! At first I thought this was a great marketing move to empower abused woman. At second glance, tight spandex shorts, GI tops with sports bras popping out, what are they thinking? Let me give you 5 reasons why female fighters do what they do and fail.

Reason one:
I have a friend that runs a MMA school; he offers a female only kick boxing class every few months. What he has found is that for every 10 women that sign up for an 8 week course, there will be two in class after the first week. Women can’t go to the bathroom by themselves, the group mindset is great for bathrooms and get together but working out and training is an individual sport, a team of two at best. When women gather together they tend not to unify but gossip and tear each other down. This new marketing that empowers females only moves femininity one step closer to defeat.

Reason two:
The wimpy whit male syndrome! Come on ladies, you know what I’m talking about, if date or are married to a Caucasian man, there is a high possibility you see a weakness in his masculinity. It is only natural for you to feel the need to protect yourself, just in case. We could go on for day about this but you get the point.

Reason Three:
Hurt women emotionally think that want to inflict pain on someone else to deny their internal feelings of powerlessness and personal hurt. I have to confess, over a 25 year career teaching Martial Arts, almost every female has a chip on their shoulder when entering the training hall. Its not fair to say a chip, its more like a mountain of shame and emotional misdirection.

Reason four:
Its like a Tattoo, it culturally the thing to do.

Reason five:
Look at me, its all about the pride! If you don't believe it, just look at all the pics of FFMA fighters, are any over weight or can you find a pic of one that's not groomed well? Most female fighters might as well turn in their spandex shorts, and tight tank tops and do what they are afraid to do, strip.

I hope this Blog opens some eyes, if your offended, I did my job. Offended people are weak and will not survive training in MMA. Get the point, if your skin's not thick enough to endure some verbal Judo, then your body will not stand up to a challenge.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Boo chug-a-luga Google

 All too often, I hear these words, “yea I did that before”. OK, smart ass, when? At a friends house, OK, what's their name? You get the point, everyone knows how to use the Google box to get enough information just to be ignorant. In fact, I just read a tweet that said, “help a brother out, I’m at the airport”. First of all, I know for fact this guy is white, therefore not a “brother” and secondly, what kind of numb nut do you have to be to depend on twitter to help you get a ride from the airport? My point, some people are not worthy to be followed, on Twitter or in real life. Martial Arts have developed from trial and error, sweat, blood and the cracking of some bones. Or as my friend and elder at church Dan says, “ I may have to snap their neck”. Oh, he's a retired State Trooper, so he knows what its like to be un-googles(new work-take that BBKF), alone to fend for himself. Might I add, on a cold, dark, snowy night, on the side of a deserted highway. So, when your getting your butt handed to you, what you gonna Google? Maybe, I should have signed up for the GBU and learned a thing or two. Oh, selfish promotion...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

What do you really know about self-defense?

 What do you really know about self-defense? Most Martial Arts are set up to fight “12th century Koreans”.* Other Martial Arts are designed to help fight in a ring with a referee. Both have there place, both have advantages and disadvantages. But the question remains, what about self-defense? The survival mindset is sometime very difficult to teach in a class room setting, even more difficult to teach in a ring. The real question is, what is your attitude towards self-defense. Do you believe you can over power an attacker, out maneuver or even escape? “If you believe you can or you believe you can't, your probably right”, this a very true statement. Techniques alone can not give you what you need to survive an attack. Attitude is the key. What you know about self-defense is what you know about yourself, you are confident or not.
When I teach a class my goal is to go beyond technique and show principals that allow students to think for themselves. It is important for a student to own a principal not a set of techniques that are derived from the principals. It is also important to empower students by building confidence to over coming personal fear. Attitude/confidence is developed form positive reinforce training not by technique alone. What do you really know about self-defense? The answer is, what do you know about yourself. If you have had some training that was empowering, you are on the right path however if you have been bullied or taught inferior techniques you probably are already defeated.

*Allen Shelton

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The after thought #1

With all the violence society has to offer, why are most citizens not prepared to defend themselves?
Short answer, “it will never happen to me”, the famous excuse that allows most of us to put our head in the sand. The truth about being prepared is simple, knowledge allows for choices. For example, if you can deescalate someone who is verbally abusive or disarm a knife welding thug, you have the option to walk away, engage or have the authorities deal with it. The lack of training only gives you one option, one role in the play of life and that my friend is “the victim”.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Welcome to the Hawk Defense...

"Training is never an after thought." HD "hawk"Stewart
In an age of media, we have become disillusioned, or maybe deceived by unrealistic survival training.
The Hawk Defense or  THD has a simple moto, :handling aggression with knowledge".