Monday, June 3, 2013

5 Reasons Female MMA fail

 I just came across a site in Charlotte, NC that promotes a female only fighting gym. Wow! At first I thought this was a great marketing move to empower abused woman. At second glance, tight spandex shorts, GI tops with sports bras popping out, what are they thinking? Let me give you 5 reasons why female fighters do what they do and fail.

Reason one:
I have a friend that runs a MMA school; he offers a female only kick boxing class every few months. What he has found is that for every 10 women that sign up for an 8 week course, there will be two in class after the first week. Women can’t go to the bathroom by themselves, the group mindset is great for bathrooms and get together but working out and training is an individual sport, a team of two at best. When women gather together they tend not to unify but gossip and tear each other down. This new marketing that empowers females only moves femininity one step closer to defeat.

Reason two:
The wimpy whit male syndrome! Come on ladies, you know what I’m talking about, if date or are married to a Caucasian man, there is a high possibility you see a weakness in his masculinity. It is only natural for you to feel the need to protect yourself, just in case. We could go on for day about this but you get the point.

Reason Three:
Hurt women emotionally think that want to inflict pain on someone else to deny their internal feelings of powerlessness and personal hurt. I have to confess, over a 25 year career teaching Martial Arts, almost every female has a chip on their shoulder when entering the training hall. Its not fair to say a chip, its more like a mountain of shame and emotional misdirection.

Reason four:
Its like a Tattoo, it culturally the thing to do.

Reason five:
Look at me, its all about the pride! If you don't believe it, just look at all the pics of FFMA fighters, are any over weight or can you find a pic of one that's not groomed well? Most female fighters might as well turn in their spandex shorts, and tight tank tops and do what they are afraid to do, strip.

I hope this Blog opens some eyes, if your offended, I did my job. Offended people are weak and will not survive training in MMA. Get the point, if your skin's not thick enough to endure some verbal Judo, then your body will not stand up to a challenge.

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